Sunday, August 22, 2010

Factory Farming? CAFOs? What are they?

Like I've said before, there is SO much I just did not know until recently. If you would have asked me what CAFO stood for 6 months ago, I would have been truly clueless. A CAFO is a Concentrated (or Confined) Animal Feeding Operation. It is basically a factory for animals where they are treated as a product not as a living creature. I understand that when you eat meat you are accepting the fact that an animal gave it's life for you, but that does not mean the conditions that they live under during their time on this Earth should be deplorable and inhumane.
When you go grocery shopping, the images portrayed everywhere are of farms and grassy pastures, when in reality, the majority of these animals that you are purchasing for consumption have never lived this way.
I found this great article (see link below) on that I thought explained the concept of a CAFO/Factory Farming better than I ever could have.

Factory Farming


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